vegan cosmetics

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of what’s really in the cosmetics we use every day. The global market for vegan makeup and other cosmetics, for instance, is expected to hit $26.16 billion by 2030.

This trend is driven by consumers becoming more aware of environmental issues and the effects of products on our bodies. Learn more!

Vegan Products: The Difference Between Vegan, Organic, and Natural Cosmetics

For several years now, we’ve seen a true global shift in consumer awareness.

These new consumption habits align with a more conscious lifestyle. More and more people want to eat healthily and use products that are kind to their skin and the environment.

As a result, natural, organic, and vegan products are flourishing in the market, but the differences between them are not always clear to the general public.

To make the best choice for yourself and the planet, here’s a breakdown of these three categories.

What Are Natural Cosmetics?

Generally, a natural cosmetic is one where the ingredients and active principles are mostly (95%) of natural origin and do not contain parabens, petrolatum, silicones, or other harsh synthetic substances.

Thus, a product labeled as “natural” can include plant or mineral extracts or be made from animal substances like honey and milk.

What Are Organic Cosmetics?

Organic cosmetics are those whose natural ingredients come from certified organic farming, which excludes synthetic products and genetically modified organisms.

This method uses the natural fertility of the soil with minimal intervention, promoting the biodiversity of native plant and animal species. This way, they cater to consumers concerned about environmental and health issues.

An organic cosmetic product must contain 95% organic ingredients and up to 5% safe ingredients like water and natural products. Products with the organic seal must always indicate the percentage of natural and organic ingredients.

What Are Vegan Cosmetics?

Vegan cosmetics do not use any animal-derived substances. Therefore, vegan cosmetics must consist solely of plant-based raw materials, excluding ingredients like honey, wax, or milk. Some certifications verify if a cosmetic is natural, organic, vegan, and/or cruelty-free.

What Are Cruelty-Free Cosmetics?

The ‘Cruelty-Free’ logo certifies that no animal testing was involved. However, a “cruelty-free” product may still contain animal-derived substances.

So, if you want to avoid animal products entirely, look for both cruelty-free and vegan seals.

Now that you know the difference between vegan, organic, natural, and cruelty-free cosmetics but are still unsure which type is best for you, read on!

Vegan, Organic, or Natural Cosmetics: Which to Choose?

First, if you want to buy eco-friendly cosmetics, read the labels of your favorite products carefully to spot any traces of controversial ingredients like parabens.

The cosmetic should be labeled “paraben-free.” Pay attention to labels indicating “natural origin,” “organic,” or “vegan.”

This doesn’t mean the product is completely free of chemicals—it may have undergone some processing. However, these products are much gentler than conventional ones.

The type of cosmetic you choose will also depend on your values. For example, if you are against animal exploitation, vegan cosmetics are ideal for you since natural products can use animal-derived ingredients.

It’s also advisable to trust brands that are transparent about their product composition and manufacturing processes.

So, besides knowing the differences between vegan, organic, and natural cosmetics, your purchasing decision will mainly depend on your level of commitment, needs, and personal beliefs.

However, be sure to avoid products containing endocrine disruptors like aluminum salts, parabens, triclosan, alkylphenols, synthetic dyes and fragrances, silicones, and petrochemical industry products.

Read the labels of your beauty products carefully and stay informed.

Environmentally Responsible Cosmetics

In addition to the specifics of the ingredients used in cosmetic production, to be environmentally responsible, the packaging must be biodegradable.

Even the label can be printed with eco-friendly ink.

These cosmetics are produced according to certain principles: technical commitment, ethical commitment, and market commitment.

Now that you understand the differences between vegan, organic, natural, and cruelty-free cosmetics, have you thought about buying a sustainable product? Share your thoughts in the comments 🙂

Also, learn more about the differences between vegan and vegetarian here.