Crystal Deodorant: What It Is, Benefits, How to Use, and more
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In the search for natural products, crystal deodorant, also known as stone deodorant, is an alternative for those seeking personal care products free from often toxic substances commonly found in commercial products.

Known and used since antiquity, natural alum stone can be found in many parts of the world. It is composed of aluminum and potassium, forming a more or less transparent mineral with astringent and hemostatic properties.

To learn more details about this deodorant, which is widely used by vegans, keep reading!

What is Crystal Deodorant?

Natural alum stone is an antiperspirant, which means it blocks sweat glands or limits perspiration. It differs from deodorant, which only masks odors. After wetting the stone, the deodorant is applied directly to clean, dry armpits.

The good news is that it does not stain clothes and tends to remain effective for up to 24 hours. Its action principle involves wet crystals breaking down into ions, the smallest possible form of aluminum, which can be easily dissolved in water.

However, before using it, you should know that there are currently two different versions on the market: natural and synthetic. The synthetic alum stone is identified as “ammonium alum” and is made from ammonium salt. The natural alum stone is identified as “potassium alum.”

Benefits of Crystal Deodorant

Although alum stone is known for its antiperspirant properties and is most frequently used as a body deodorant, it actually has many other qualities that make it a particularly versatile and highly effective natural product.

Unlike many other conventional beauty products, this natural mineral is suitable for practically all skin types, with only a few exceptions.

Additionally, it is a popular choice among vegans and people who prefer products free from parabens and other widely marketed chemicals in the cosmetics industry.

Here are its properties and benefits:

  • Astringent and Antiperspirant Properties: After application, mainly to the armpits, it leaves a transparent layer that acts as a barrier against bad odors and bacteria formation
  • No Harmful Ingredients: Crystal deodorants generally do not contain harsh chemical ingredients like aluminum and synthetic fragrances, making them a safer option for the skin and the environment
  • Hypoallergenic: Some people may have allergic reactions to conventional deodorants, but crystal deodorants are generally hypoallergenic and less likely to cause skin irritation
  • Sustainable: Crystal deodorants are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, making them a more sustainable option than conventional deodorants.

How to Use Crystal Deodorant

Before using the alum stone, you need to moisten it slightly. Then it can be applied to skin areas, including armpits, feet, face, and legs.

One of its advantages is that it does not stain clothes. Therefore, it can be applied as a deodorant to the armpits without fear of leaving marks on shirts and t-shirts.

If you do not like the fact that the stone is odorless, add a few drops of essential oils to create a natural deodorant with a delicate and light fragrance.

Remember that it is a rather delicate product, so be careful not to drop it, as it is very easy to break due to its composition.

When choosing which stone to use, the best option is the natural alum stone. You will recognize it by its slightly translucent appearance. Synthetic stones should be avoided as they may contain various chemical compounds.

Are There Any Contraindications?

Some common contraindications to using crystal deodorant include:

  • Sensitivity to Natural Substances: Some people may have adverse reactions to the natural substances present in crystal deodorants, such as sodium and potassium aluminum sulfate
  • Skin Irritation: Some people may experience skin irritation due to its natural formula
  • Efficacy: Some people may not find crystal deodorant as effective as conventional deodorants, especially in hot weather or during intense physical activity
  • Availability: Some people may have difficulty finding crystal deodorant in their area or nearby stores.

In general, it is important to carefully read the instructions and ingredients of any product before using it, and if adverse reactions occur, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor.

We hope this content has helped you understand a little more about what crystal deodorant is, its properties, benefits, and how to use it.

Have you ever used crystal deodorant? Share this post and your experience with friends to help us reach more people 🙂 Also, read about vegan cosmetics here.